Isu Viral

Pusat pameran gantung Jalur Gemilang secara terbalik,di Kompaun RM500 dan diberi amaran.

KUANTAN: Sebuah pusat pameran, jualan dan servis kenderaan di Sungai Isap di sini, yang didapati memasang Jalur Gemilang terbalik baru-baru ini, dikompaun RM500.
Ketua Seksyen Perhubungan Awam dan Korporat Majlis Perbandaran Kuantan (MPK), Norkamawati Kamal, berkata surat amaran turut diberikan kepada pihak pengurusan premis terbabit untuk memastikan insiden berkenaan tidak berulang.

Katanya, MPK juga mengesahkan menerima jawapan surat tunjuk sebab dari pusat terbabit seperti yang diarahkan.
“Berdasarkan kesalahan dilakukan pihak pengurusan premis itu, MPK mengenakan kompaun RM500 dan memberi surat tunjuk sebab kepada pusat terbabit,” katanya ketika dihubungi di sini, hari ini.
Sebelum ini, tersebar di media sosial mengenai pemasangan dua bendera Malaysia dikibarkan secara terbalik sebelum ia disedari pemilik premis yang bertindak menurunkannya.
Tindakan itu bagaimanapun mendapat kritikan hebat netizen, sebelum syarikat itu mengeluarkan kenyataan permohonan maaf menerusi Facebook (FB).
Sementara itu, Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Kerajaan Tempatan dan Perumahan negeri, Abdul Rahim Muda, berkata dalam syarat lesen pihak berkuasa tempatan (PBT), ada dinyatakan bahawa pelesen atau pemilik premis perlu memasang bendera Jalur gemilang dan bendera negeri sempena Hari Kebangsaan atau Hari Keputeraan Sultan Pahang.
“Pemilik premis perniagaan juga boleh dikompaun maksima RM500 atas kesalahan atau digantung lesen perniagaan jika gagal berbuat demikian,” katanya.

SUMBER : Berita Harian


Tips & Info

TIPS!! Warm-Ups, Cool-Downs, and Stretching for Running

All of your runs should start with a warmup and end with a cool-down. These two bookends to your run will help you prepare for your best effort and recover at the end of your workout.

Benefits of a Running Warm-Up

A good warmup dilates your blood vessels, ensuring that your muscles are well supplied with oxygen before you give them a vigorous workout. It also raises the temperature of your muscles for optimal flexibility and efficiency.1
By slowly raising your heart rate, the warmup also helps minimize stress on your heart when you start your run.

Benefits of a Running Cool-Down

The cool-down keeps the blood flowing throughout the body. Stopping suddenly can cause light-headedness because your heart rate and blood pressure might drop rapidly. Winding down slowly allows them to fall gradually.
While you will often hear that the cool-down helps you work lactic acid out of your muscles and prevent delayed onset muscle soreness the next day, research has not found this to be the case.2

The cool-down is a good mental transition between a hard effort and the end of your workout.

Stretching Before or After Running

Stretching used to be part of every warmup and cool-down, but the evidence doesn't find that it has the benefits it was thought to bring. Static stretching before, during, or immediately after exercise hasn't been proven to prevent injury or delayed onset muscle soreness.2
Dynamic stretching after a warmup has some evidence it might be beneficial for performance. This form of stretching is done with exercises that take your muscles through their full range of motion. Dynamic stretching exercises also mimic the actions you'll be taking in your workout.3
Stretching cold muscles is never a good idea, so if you decide to include stretching, do it after you have warmed up or as part of your cool-down.

How to Do a Proper Warm-Up

Take these steps for your warmup:
  1. Do about 5 to 10 minutes of light aerobic exercise to loosen up your muscles and warm you up for your run. Some good pre-run warm-up exercises include walking briskly, marching, jogging slowly, or cycling on a stationary bike. Make sure you don't rush your warmup.
  2. If you like doing dynamic stretches or exercises before your run, do walking lunges, jumping jacks, or opposite toe touches.
  3. Begin your run. Don't start out racing, but instead jog slowly at first and gradually build up your speed. You should be breathing very easily. If you feel yourself getting out of breath, slow down. This is part of knowing how fast you should run, and it's easy to start off too fast.
  4. Pay attention to your running posture and form when you begin your run. Ensure you are using the best technique before you speed up.

How to Do a Proper Cool-Down

At the end of your run, take these steps:
  1. After you finish your run, cool down by walking or slowly jogging for 5 to 10 minutes. Your breathing and heart rate should gradually return to normal.
  2. Drink water or sports drink to replenish yourself.

Stretching Tips for After Your Run

If you think you benefit from stretches, you can do them after your run or as a separate activity. Typical post-run stretches include the hamstring stretch, quad stretch, calf stretch, low lunge stretch, IT band stretch, butterfly stretch, hip and back stretch, arms and abs stretch, and triceps stretch. Use these tips for proper stretching:
  • Don't bounce while stretching. Hold still on each stretch for 15 to 30 seconds.
  • Don't stretch through pain. Don't stretch beyond the point where you begin to feel tightness in the muscle. You shouldn't push through muscle resistance and never stretch to the point of pain. As you feel less tension, you can increase the stretch a bit more until you feel the same slight pull.
  • Make sure you stretch both sides. Don't just stretch your left calf because you feel tightness on that side. Make sure you're stretching both sides equally.
  • Don't hold your breath. Stay relaxed and breathe in and out slowly. Make sure you don't hold your breath. Take deep belly breaths.

A Word From Verywell

Research is just catching up with what runners have been doing for decades (and their coaches have been teaching). Warming up is beneficial, but you can probably skip the stretching if you don't find it works for you. Enjoy your run.


Isu Viral

Kantoi Buang Pampers!!!

Seorang pemuda yang berkemungkinan warganegara Singapura 'KANTOI' apabila membuang lampin pakai buang anaknya di bonet kereta lain.Gelagat beliau telah dirakam dari 'rear camera' kereta mangsa berkenaan.

Video berkenaan tular dan dimuat naik oleh Jonathan Lee.

Daripada rakaman kamera terbabit,pemuda berkenaan tidak mengetahui kereta berkenaan mempunyai 'rear camera ' dan sedang merakam perbuatan terbabit.Yang lebih menggelikan hati,pemuda berkenaan menggunakan skill yang memboleh mata manusia tidak perasan akan perbuatannya.

Ekoran video yang tular ini,ramai yang mengecam perbuatan pemuda berkenaan.berikut antara kecaman netizen netizen.

Mari kita lihat video berkenaan :


Tips & Info

Ketika Masuk Tandas Alirkan Air Paip Pada Dinding. Ini Sebabnya Yang Ramai Tak Tahu.

Ketika Masuk Tandas Alirkan Air Paip Pada Dinding. Ini Sebabnya Yang Ramai Tak Tahu.

Kebersihan dan suci diri daripada najis merupakan antara syarat sah solat.Namun mungkin ada yang terlepas pandang dengan antara adab ketika berada didalam tandas, iaitu kepentingan mengalirkan air paip pada dinding tandas. Ia bagi mengelak percikan najis dibawa bersama ketika keluar tandas.
Untuk ketahui lebih lanjut perkara ini, boleh fahamkan perkongsian daripada Ustaz Iqbal Hamzi Md Anuar sebagai rujukan kita bersama.
Di antara adab masuk tandas yang saya belajar dengan guru saya suatu masa dahulu, dan belum dapat lagi di tempat lain. Selain daripada melangkah masuk dengan kaki kiri, lipat seluar, beralas kaki (memakai selipar khas tandas).
alirkan air paip pada dinding tandas
Adab yang satu ini juga penting dan mungkin masih ramai yang belum biasa buat.
Iaitu mengalirkan dahulu air paip pada keseluruhan dinding tandas. Dari kiri ke kanan, kanan ke kiri. Jangan terus halakan air ke lantai tandas, bimbang nanti terpercik pada kaki atau seluar.
Sebahagian Thoharah
Ini penting dan sebahagian daripada thoharah.
Kerana kita tidak tahu bagaimana dan di mana pengguna tandas sebelum kita membuang air.
Sama ada dengan cara berdiri atau duduk. Di dinding atau di lubang tandas. Dia selesaikan hajatnya dengan ilmu atau secara semberono. Boleh jadi pada dinding itu ada percikan-percikan air najis yang kita tidak nampak (najis hukmi).
Apabila air dialirkan dari bahagian dinding, automatik air tersebut akan membawa sekali najis-najis hukmi pada dinding dan lantai tandas.
Sebelum keluar tandas ulang semula
Kemudian, selepas kita selesaikan hajat kita, sebelum keluar, ulang semula perbuatan mengalirkan air pada dinding dan lantai tandas.
Jangan lupa bilas kaki
Dan jangan lupa, bilas kaki sebelum melangkah keluar daripada tandas. Sebab kita tidak mahu najis-najis yang ada dalam tandas itu kita bawa keluar.
Lebih-lebih tandas rumah atau tandas masjid. Kalau kita terbawa keluar najis tandas ke dalam rumah dan dalam masjid, bimbang. Seluruh lantai rumah atau masjid akan jadi najis, najis, najis di mana saja kita jejak. Akibatnya, sembahyang kita dan umat Islam yang lain tidak sah. Bila sembahyang umat Islam tidak sah, ibaratnya umat Islam tidak sembahyang.
Bila umat Islam tidak sembahyang, bantuan Allah tidak datang. Umat Islam akan terus terhina di mana-mana. Mari ambil perhatian. Wallahu a’lam..


Its BACKKK..Zinger Double Down only RM12.90!!!!!

    We are so hungry now.

  In life, there are three things humans can't get enough of: money, love and KFC's Zinger Double Down burger.

And if you're a huge fan of the super yummy meat extravaganza and you're always wishing that it would be back on the menu soon, we have some extremely good news for you.

The KFC Zinger Double Down is coming back!

That's right, the carnivore's dream 'burger' is making a comeback after going off the menu for almost two years.

After fans of the all-meat burger pleaded and begged KFC to bring back the Zinger Double Down, they listened and have finally decided to re-introduce the dish.

The KFC Zinger Double Down will be available at all KFC outlets starting 27 August 2019, the fast food chain said in a statement.

    t is back!

The burger, which was first introduced in 2012 and started a frenzy almost immediately, features two Hot & Spicy Zinger fillets sandwiching crispy chicken strips and a slice of cheddar cheese, drizzled with KFC’s signature Cheezy Mayo sauce. 

The KFC Zinger Double Down is available starting from RM12.90 ala carte and for a limited time only.

It's time to go crazy again, guys. 

SOURCE : Rojakdaily


Isu Viral


KAJANG: Seorang lelaki dituduh atas kesalahan membunuh hari ini selepas didakwa menyebabkan kematian Syed Muhammad Danial Syed Syakir selepas pergelutan di kilometer 293.5 Lebuhraya Utara-Selatan pada 10 Ogos lepas.
Menurut laporan The Star, lelaki tersebut Yew Wei Liang didakwa dibawah seksyen 302 kanun kesiksaan yang membawa hukuman mandatori sekiranya didapati bersalah.

Pertuduhan dibacakan di hadapan majistret, Nor Afidah Idris yang menetapkan 27 September depan untuk sebutan kes.
Kes tersebut dikendalikan oleh Timbalan Pendakwaraya Awam, Siti Noor Hafizan Zakaria manakala tertuduh diwakili peguam S. Selvam dan Varghese Onny.
Tertuduh berpakaian kemeja T hitam, tiba di majistret Kajang pada jam 9 pagi yang dibawa dari penjara Sungai Buloh.
Beliau menundukkan kepalanya sepanjang dibawa ke kamar mahkamah.
Insiden yang mendapat perhatian ramai pihak itu berlaku diantara arwah Syed Muhammad Daniel dengan Yew pada jam 1.45 pm, 10 Ogos berdekatan Tol Sungai Besi lebuh raya PLUS.
Kedua mereka dikatakan terlibat dalam insiden kejar mengejar di mana kedua kereta berhenti pada akhirnya.
Pergelutan berlaku diantara kedua mereka yang kemudian dileraikan oleh pengguna lebuhraya lain..
Keduanya selepas itu kembali ke kenderaan masing-masing sebelum Syed Muhammad dikatakan keluar dari keretanya dengan bet besball dan mula memukul bahagian depan kereta tertuduh.
Tertuduh kemudian menekan pedal minyak kereta, merempuh Syed Muhammad Daniel yang kemudiannya terhimpit diantara kereta tertuduh dengan penghadang jalan.
Syed Muhammad Daniel dibawa ke Pusat PErubatan Nilai dan menghembuskan nafas terakhir pada hari yang sama.


Isu Viral

Man charged with murder in fatal Bangi road rage incident

A 41-year-old man involved in a high-profile fatal road rage incident on the North South Expressway (NSE) in Bangi, recently, was charged at the Magistrate's Court here, today. -- NSTP/Aizuddin Saad
By Rahmat KhairulrijalEsther Landau - KAJANG: A 41-year-old man involved in a high-profile fatal road rage incident on the North South Expressway (NSE) in Bangi, recently, was charged at the Magistrate's Court here, today.
However, no plea was recorded from Yew Wei Liang when the charge was read to him before magistrate Nor Afidah Idris.
Yew, clad in a black shirt, was calm as he was ushered into the dock by policemen at about 10.30am.
According to the charge sheet, the accused allegedly murdered Syed Muhammad Danial Syed Shakir near KM293.6 of the North South Expressway (NSE) between 1pm and 2pm on Aug 10.
The offence falls under Section 302 of Penal Code, which carries the mandatory death penalty.
Deputy public prosecutor Siti Noor Hafizan Zakaria prosecuted, while the accused was represented by S. Selvam and O. Varghese.
During the proceeding today, Selvam lodged a complaint to the court that his client had been beaten and abused by police during interrogation.
"Our client was forced to admit to the murder offence by police when he was admitted at the Kajang Hospital.
“Thus, we are seeking the court to hear our complaint under Section 131 of the Criminal Procedure Code," he said.
Meanwhile, Varghese said tampering of evidence might have occurred as Yew's father-in-law claimed that he received a phone call from the accused's wife.
"The phone should be under police's possession during the probe," he said.
When met after the proceeding, Varghese declined to elaborate on the complaint filed by him and his colleague.
"We cannot explain further, but we will lodge a police report regarding this issue," he said.
No bail was offered to the accused as the offence is non-bailable.
Yew was sent to the Sungai Buloh prison.
The court then fixed Sept 27 for mention and to hear the complaint by the defence.
The Aug 10 incident began as a fender bender between Syed Muhammad Danial and Yew near the Sungai Besi toll plaza.
Both vehicles were then involved in a high-speed chase, until both drivers stopped and engaged in a physical altercation, which was broken up by other motorists.
Syed Muhammad Danial and the suspect eventually returned to their respective cars – but the former, still displeased, allegedly alighted from his car armed with a baseball bat, and began swinging at the front portion of the suspect’s car.
In response, the suspect allegedly accelerated his vehicle, which rammed into Syed Muhammad Danial, pinning him between the suspect's car and the road divider.
Syed Muhammad Daniel later died at the Nilai Medical Centre.

Source : Bernama, News Straits Times


Tips & Info

5 Foods That Improve Your Eyesight

Image result for eye sight

Some of the most common vision problems that people face are refractive errors. Refractive errors may cause a blurry vision either for far off objects or for nearby objects. These two conditions are known as farsightedness and nearsightedness respectively.
Refractive errors are very common in Pakistani population. According to a local study, 35.7% of people in the country suffer from nearsightedness while 27.1% have long-sightedness. Fortunately, some foods can help you avoid eyesight problems. These foods also improve overall eye-health.
However, be informed that these are just the suggestions and not an alternative to professional advice. If you've an issue that requires medical attention, please seek an appointment with an eye specialist nearby.
Here are five foods that can improve eye-sight.

1. Nuts
Nuts have a lot of omega 3 fatty acids. According to the research, these fatty acids can slow down age-related macular degeneration. They can also help avoid dry eyes as they are also known to preserve the moisture of the eyes.
Almonds are especially rich in vitamin E and are excellent to slow down age-related eye damages. A handful of almonds every day are enough to keep both your vision and over-all health sharp.
2. Carrots
Carrots do not have a direct effect on eye-sight but they improve over-all eye health. Carrots have a compound in them which is known as beta-carotene. Beta-carotene is the primary source of vitamin A in the body.
According to WHO, Vitamin A deficiency is one of the leading causes of blindness in the world. Thus, carrots can substantially decrease the risk of blindness, especially for people living in developing countries.
3. Spinach
Spinach is rich in a compound called lutein. Lutein is one of the pigments present in the macula. Macular pigments are crucial for vision and they are vulnerable to degeneration. Consuming the green leafy spinach can help you replenish this pigment.
In other words, spinach is ideal if you want to avoid macular degeneration and even age-related cataracts. It is also important that you eat raw spinach because cooked spinach is likely to lose all of its nutritional benefits.
4. Blueberries
Blueberries are one of the healthiest food available naturally. They are rich in anti-oxidants known as anthocyanin. Anthocyanin's not only give blueberries their purple colour, but they also act as anti-viral and anti-inflammatory agents for the human body.
So, eating blueberries enhances immunity and as a byproduct gives resilience to eyes against infections. Blueberries can thus protect the retina against damaging UV rays in the sunlight. They can also protect the eyes from oxygen damage.
5. Egg Yolks
Egg yolks can also slow down the process of macular degeneration. They are rich in both zeaxanthin and lutein pigments which are crucial in keeping the vision sharp. Lutein and zeaxanthin accumulate in the middle of the macula and cancels out all the free-radicals, filtering the blue light out. We need around 6mg of these anti-oxidants every day. One egg yolk has around 0.25 mg of the antioxidant pigments and can thus be an ideal source.
Macular degeneration is one of the leading causes of poor eye-sight. The foods mentioned in this article do not prevent macular degeneration but they can certainly slow the process down.
If your macula has already degenerated, you should visit an eye-specialist nearby along with including these foods in your diet.
About Me:
My name is Tahir and I work with oladoc - a healthcare disruptor.
We are a digital health platform that connects people with the right healthcare service providers and avail basic healthcare services online If you wish to book appointment with an eye specialist, please visit our website and see the list of doctors near you. We have PMDC verified healthcare specialists who can advise you on your health and provide the best advice possible.

Article Source:


Tips & Info

2 Weeks Diet Plan

Statistics show that approximately 45 million Americans go on a diet
each year. In fact, most of them make an average of four to six dieting
attempts annually. This implies that their first three dieting trials often
fail. Ideally, dieting can be a puzzling process. It can take a toll on your
self-esteem. This is why most people quickly get demotivated and end up
ditching dieting for good.
If you're currently battling with dieting and about
to throw in the towel, then maybe there are some things you're overlooking.
Here are the top four reasons why most dieting attempts fail time and again.
·Impracticable and Unreasonable
Calorie Intake
Calorie budget is paramount and should be the first consideration to
keep in mind. Calories are a measure of the amount of energy in the food you
eat. If you're putting yourself in starvation mode, then you're hurting your
dieting efforts. When you consume very little food, your body virtually shuts
down to save fuel. This places you in a fat loss plateau. Though it is prudent
to lower your overall calorie intake, consider doing so in a manner that
doesn't hurt your metabolism.
·Ignoring Filling Nutrients
Proteins and fiber are the recommended satiety-boosting nutrients
for dieters. Proteins break down at a slow pace thus giving the body a
long-lasting satiety. This helps to curb emotional eating and cravings.
Combining proteins with fiber from vegetables and fresh fruits can potentially
slow down digestion and cut down food cravings. Even though most crash diet
plans recommend vegetables, they discourage fruits. They also come with very
few proteins. If you want to hasten your dieting results, then make these two
essential satiety nutrients a focus in your diet plan.
·Unrealistic Meal Prep
A meal prep that takes an hour isn't realistic. If your meal
preparation takes an hour or more, then that might be one of the top reasons
your dieting efforts fail. A basic easy-to-implement meal prep is ideal. A plan
that takes hours can steal your free time. Find a meal prep that matches your
lifestyle then get accustomed to it.
·Long-Term Aspect
A great diet plan considers the long-term aspect. However, a diet
plan that spans for several months can quickly discourage you. It's great to
find a diet plan that comes with a specified deadline preferably two
weeks. It should not be too short
because dieting requires patience.
Even though dieting can be hard, carrying those extra pounds is even
harder. The recommended dieting time should be two weeks. A 2-Week Diet gives
you an outstanding foundation and motivation for a successful fat-burning
To harness the powerful psychology behind The 2 Week Diet, check it out here:

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